09 June 2011

Week 8 - TODAY!

WOW! Been here eight weeks today - and all is well on the Western Front.

Finally someone turned up the thermostat! So for the last couple of days it's been STEAMING hot, although as I write the mother of all storms is unleashing Thor's worst! It's absolutely PELTING DOGS! (No cats - obviously... see previous posting!)


Joined the Y(MCA) this week, literally around the corner and has two lovely pools (indoor).  Signed up to weekly aquarobics class. Most entertaining, (nearly) all ladies and about 20 years older than me, but very friendly and welcoming. We discuss grand-children and bunions in the main - of which of course I have neither :O), but I'm good at "uhming and ahing" in the right places!

Have made a "special friend" or at least I think he would like our special US/UK relationship to become more "significant" than is my intention! He "woos" me with tales of his life in the UK, oh how we reminisce! A little challenging to maintain a cool distance when trying to do the "leapfrog" manoeuvre, keep a "noodle" under my arms, a costume over my boobs AND marshall my thoughts on the Cuban missile crisis. Ah yes, you've spotted the fatal flaw that will prevent our happy future - he was building his international engineering career (uhm, in Swindon?) while I was in diapers. Oh and there's his wife - who patiently treads water next to him and with whom I share the occasional "eyes to the skies" smile! And of course this is a "family" BLOG, so no piccies of me in bathers :O)


The house is right in the heart of "student-ville" and this time of year is graduation time. Cue a massive increase in partying (think late, think loud - very late and VERY loud) and - man-oh-man - do they LOVE to party! Also the massive "clear up and clean out" of the rented houses, prior to all the students disappearing home for the summer. What to do with all those things that don't fit in the car, or the U-Haul truck? Put them on the kerb of course...  Local bargain hunters will soon do your "recycling" for you!


Tasted much better than this looks!

K kindly procured from her Dad (thank you, Mr K!) some proper homegrown rhubarb.  I had huge fun in decorating it with a crumble and even more pleasure in eating.

Missed the Bird's custard though!

Must dash - got a kerb to crawl!

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