02 September 2011

24 hours in the life of BNL

Thursday 01 September / 1100 AM...Burlington, VT


Last sights of Burlington

Airline change at JFK

A "small" starter...Texas style!

A most wonderful welcome from Meli and Kathia

Yes...it's really THIS hot already at 11AM!

Friday 02 September / 1100 AM...Austin, TX

1 comment:

  1. Hey b, some warm weather at last, enjoy the sunshine and chilling out with Kathia and Meli, say hi to Meli from me!!! Not long until you come back the UK, trust me the weather isn't as hot as Texas.

    Your 24 hours is nothing compared to my 8 flights in 2 1/2 weeks ;)

    Enjoy chilling out and get some vodka and DC!!! :)


